"The major challenge of rural WASH is sustainability"

Rainwater Tank Jemen Albania

The main objective of rural WASH projects is to sustainably improve the health status of women, men and children, and decrease the fetching time. Additionally, they can impact on the position of women, school attendance, economic activity and the organizational capacity of communities. These changes are not reached with the construction of the well, piped water system or latrine alone, but need additional efforts.

Challenges in rural WASH are about sustainability, gender, hygiene and community empowerment. Users, especially women, need to be empowered and trained in order to demand safe WASH services, to improve hygiene, to organize the operation and maintenance of the water source, and to mobilize resources. Entrepreneurship may facilitate the sustainability of WASH services, while a supportive enabling environment (government, NGOs, private sector) is essential.

Commandeur Consultancy has experience with the formulation and evaluation of sustainable WASH projects, proposal writing and fund-raising, and with training and coaching of project staff. We advise on, and facilitate the enhancement of the enabling environment.


Formulation of a programme proposal for a national information exchange network for Bolivia’s WASH sector. This in close collaboration with the Bolivian Vice Ministry of Basic Services, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), European Commission and national and regional implementing organisations. IRC

Desk-study on the political framework of the International Water Crisis for the Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Laboral y Agrario (CEDLA), Bolivia. This study focuses on the impact of climatic change on the availability of water resources, international water conferences, and policies of international organisations in the water sector. CEDLA

Writing of a concept paper for IRC on the application of marketing methods to the problem of information exchange in the WASH sector. IRC

Development of a WASH project proposal for Southwest Kenya to MISEREOR, Germany. The project includes supporting communities in the improvement of drinking water sources and sanitation facilities, hygiene behaviour change and comprehensive community mobilisation on organisation and management of their own water projects. Coordinated planning with governmental agencies and other organisations and the joint development of a network of private local repairers. Total budget € 1.25 m. RWD & Misereor

Facilitation of an inter-institutional workshop on the standardisation of deep well pumps for the Western Kenya Water and Environmental Sanitation Consortium (WESCO). Key criteria in the pump choice are effective operation and maintenance, availability of spare parts and the possibility to involve the local private sector in the repair of the pumps. WESCO

Development of a WASH project proposal for TransMara District in Kenya to CORDAID. This project, implemented in close cooperation with an existing Community Based Health Care Project, supports communities with the construction and renovation of safe water and sanitation facilities, and community mobilisation on organisation and management of their own water project. Women are addressed explicitly to take the lead. Total budget € 0.9 m. RWD & Cordaid

Evaluation of the rainwater harvesting component of Rural Water Development Programme, Kenya. Formulation of adjustments to the programme's implementation strategy. RWD

Development of a monitoring system, supported by an interactive database. RWD

Formulation mission of a rural WASH project in the Raymah Area in Yemen. Special attention to sustainable organisation and management of village-managed systems, village contributions and the participation of women. IFAD

Team leader of a joint IFAD / SNV formulation mission of a rural WASH project in Northeast Albania. The proposal was developed in close cooperation with central and local government, development agencies and potential beneficiaries. SNV and IFAD